Friday, February 13, 2009

I Get to Be Lazy AGAIN!!!

My Sister posted about our trip to the temple last night.

I am 8 months prego dearest...8. Also, I left my camera there, so now I have an extra jaunt to retrieve it before our trip today...blah.

I love the picture of us all, giddy from the ice cream we just ate.


Omgirl said...

Have fun! (I keep looking at that widget on your side bar with the baby bouncing around inside a giant uterus, and it always lookes like 2 or 3 babies. And I always think for a second, "Is cara trying to tell us something??" And then I realize that it's just one baby bouncing around with its own shadow.

Ang said...

Trip? Geesh, it's been too long since I've talked to you! Have fun wherever you're off to - and call me when you get back :) And, no, you cannot possibly be 8 months already, sorry, but no.

Tiana said...

You are so ready to pop...don't go to far on your trip.

Brenda said...

Nothing like sitting through a session 8 months prego. I'm proud of you.

James Boley said...

I loved these pictures! Having a girl is so much fun! You are going to love it!