Emma had 5 puppies last night!! It was a long process, but I LOVED it. Emma did really well and whelped those babies like a pro. She is now extra ferocious and will probably maim you before you are able to even look at them. She literally could tear my face off and not care. But the second you are able to get her away from them, she is Old Emma...meaning she will only eat Eamon's face off. I have to distract her with a hand, which she will lunge at, and grab her by the scruff of the neck to separate them. It's risky....
Here are some gratuitous before and after shots of my lovely doggy.
This is the first little guy. His name is Arthur. His birth was the most anticipated, as he was the first. He's a little smaller than the rest, but not by much. He looks probably the most like his dad. He is super cute and has a cute little white spot on the tip of his tail. Definitely a keeper.
This here gem of a puppy is Brenda. She had us worried when Emma bit her cord a little too short. When she finally ripped through it, it literally spurted out and I was freaked out. Brandon was going to tie it off, but it was basically the puppy belly button flesh and a little dangle of shredded cord at the end. I had to pinch it off with my gloves. Poor baby bled quite a bit. Before the styptic pen arrived, it had kinda sealed itself up and she was out of the woods. She is really feisty and was eager to eat during the ordeal, regardless of the hands surrounding her, keeping her alive.
This little cutey is Carl. He had a rather uneventful birth and we made sure the cord issue didn't happen again by having me reach up a little ways up into Emma to pull on the cord a bit to cut it ourselves. It was super strong. Since I wasn't able to pull the afterbirth out, I got a good grip, pulled a little and tore it enough that we could get him away and take care of him. He's a super healthy little guy that also looks like dad.
This little peach is Dana. (Look, I just came up with the first names I could think of that started with that letter, so get over it) Emma did a great job with her too, so we didn't have to much to worry about with her. She is so beautiful.
Our girthy boy came next. It took a full hour for little Edgar (aka Eamon Jr.) to come out. After the delivery and clean up of Dana, I had all 4 pups in a heated basket to keep their temps up. I sat with Emma waiting to see when she would start contractions again. They started up about 15-20 minutes after delivery, like all the others, but she acted unhappy, and actually left her whelping box to come sit on me. She let me feel her and the other puppy and try to manipulate it. She seemed worried. I also got worried after awhile. I decided to let the other puppies nurse to calm Emma down while I searched the Internet for answers. I was feeling nervous and wondering if I should take her to a vet. A few minutes later, I looked at her and little Edgar was already out except for his head.
He was kinda stuck there for a little bit and I knew Emma would kill me if I tried to help, so I watched and waited. Finally, he was out, but he had inhaled fluid. He was purple around the face and feet and I was scared. I worked on cleaning out his lungs (took forever it seemed) and then finally gave him to Emma. She cleaned him up, but he still was pretty cold, so I laid out the other puppies for her to see and when she left him behind, I put him in the warm basket. He finally was warm and I was relieved.
By the way, all the first 4 pups weighed 4 oz. I think Arthur is a hair smaller, but about the same. Edgar was 6 oz, therefore he is a giant compared to the other babies.... Here's a picture of the "dog pile" ha aha haaha hahha hahaah ahahaa
I put a clean rag in for your benefit....(not really, but I like to flatter) This photo has them looking downright angelic.
Oooo, I love my puppies!!