Our heater went out 2 mornings ago. Something to do with the gas valve. Anyway, it's finally been diagnosed, and the part will hopefully be put in later today. Yesterday and the day before were tolerable and by using 2 space heaters, our main floor averaged about 66 degrees the first day, 62 degrees yesterday, and a balmy and FREEZING 59 degrees today. I'm
dyin' ova
So these pictures represent the newest remodel effort... From this:

To hopefully this:
You're more patient than I am. If that were me, I'd be sleeping soundly at a hotel. I hate being cold!
If I weren't on my deathbed, I'd tell you to come over here. it's so warm I'm practically sweating. But that could be the fever.
Dude, I'm so sorry....I HATE it when it gets really cold in the house. I've often times stepped outside and it's warmer outside, then it is inside. I really can't compain though because we don't have a broken heater, it just doesn't like to turn on sometimes. Good luck warming up your home!. oh and ps, I love the suprise of a huge thing of dryer lint too.
Dryer lint? Really? You complain about all the insights into my soul and I get dryer lint? Here's to warm weather and random blog posts.
I don't feel to bad for you! (J/K) Only because my father-in-law keeps our home at 65 all the time! I can tell you this, my body has never adjusted, I've learned to layer, and sad but true, my kids sleep with about 4 blankets, and double up on jammies at night with socks!
Are you just trying to get an invite to my house? I am so onto you.
wow that sucks.
SO I probably shouldn't tell you that I got totally sunburnt today while I was outside for only an hour at the school carnival....
I hope that you get it fixed soon! At least it's not in the dead of winter!
PS I saw the housicle-sp? on the news tonight!
Hey, tell Brandon thank you for the nice comment, and would he mind painting my kitchen this weekend because my Punk Ass Husband WON'T? It's the same color he just did in your kitchen, so he'll do a great job! Thanks.
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